In 2014, an Autistic-led and Autistic-run social group for the adult Autistic community in Sydney was established. The online platform Meetup was chosen to co-ordinate offline encounters and social activities for this sizable yet disperse community; a community whose needs and desires tend to be overlooked and undersupported.
From humble beginnings, this group – known as the Autistic Adults Social Group (AASG) – has grown into a vital and important focal point for the community, with over one thousand members.
Thanks to the support of AASG, new groups serving the adult Autistic community have emerged, including peer support discussion group Au2gether, womens’ support group Another Autism …and the Sydney Autism Community Lions Club.
As a token of our gratitude towards the community, and AASG in particular, SACLC decided to sponsor and participate in a celebration of achieving that membership milestone. We booked and hired the Joseph Sargent Community Centre in Erskineville for the occasion on behalf of AASG, Au2gether and Another Autism.

About twenty people came along to the party, with attendees bringing food and beverages. Two attendees even baked their own cakes for the occasion. SACLC also supplied music and a donation box, the proceeds from which will be reinvested back into supporting the groups in attendance. There were also board games, art corner, a lucky door prize, speeches and even a round of trivia.

All in all, it was a day of fun and fellowship. There was also an overwhelming sense of intangible joy that can only be felt when neurokindred are together.
Thanks to everyone who came to our 1000 Auties Celebration. A special thanks to those who helped out in organising the event. Here’s to the next thousand Auties!