Return and Earn app donations

Next time you’re at your nearest Return and Earn reverse vending machine depositing your bottles and cans, why not consider donating your refund to us via the Return and Earn app?

  1. Download the app to your phone from the App Store or Google Play. Open the app.

  2. Select Charities

  3. Under search for charity, campaign… type autistickind. Select Help us help autistickind!

  4. Select Set as payout.

  5. Confirm your selection by pressing Set as payout again.

  6. Go back to the screen that you saw in Step 2. You should now see Your active payout has been set to Help us help autistickind!

  7. Now, scan your in-app barcode on the machine, deposit your containers, and when you’re done, your refund will be donated to us 🙂